Univ of South Carolina (ASC)
Univ of South Carolina (ASC)
Opening hours
- Subjects Tutored:
Margaret Page: M & T 10am-3pm (In-Person or Virtual)
MATH 111 & 111i
MATH 112
MATH 115
MATH 122
MATH 141 &
MATH LAB - Subjects Tutored:
Javeria Siddiqi M 9am-12pm W 9am-1pm TH 1-2pm (In-Person or Virtual)
BIO 243, 244,
CHEM 102,
CSCE 101, 102,
NURS 112, 208 & LANU 104
Health Study Strategies--BIO, CHEM, NURSING - Subjects Tutored:
Phyllis Jarvis: M 9am-5pm (In-Person or Virtual)
WRITING (ANY USCL SUBJECT including CAPSTONE) - Subjects Tutored:
Josh Hunter: T | W | TH 6-8pm (Virtual Only)
CHEM 101, 105, 111 & L,
PHIL 102, 103, 114, 320,
SPAN 109, 110, 121, 122,
Charis Grabbe: T 11am-1pm; W 12-5pm TH 1-2pm (In-Person or Virtual)
BIO 110, 101, 102, 303,
CHEM 101, 105, 107, 111, 112, 322, 333, 331L,
CSCE 101, 102,
FINA 369,
MGMT 371,
Study Strategies---General - Subjects Tutored:
Kennedy Bumbrey T 12-5pm (In-Person or Virtual)
BIO 243,
BIO 244,
CHEM 102,
STAT 110 (Had Prof. Mazzulo),
NURS 112, 208, LANU 104,
Health Study Strategies--BIO, CHEM, NURSING - Subjects Tutored:
Ann Garner: W & TH 9am-1pm (In-Person or Virtual)
MATH 111 & 111i,
MATH 112,
MATH 115,
MATH 221,
MATH 222 - Subjects Tutored:
Caysen Horton W 12-5pm
NURS 216
Designed to help USC Lancaster students attain academic success, the Academic Success Center provides students with a variety of resources to support their academic pursuits, including one-on-one tutoring, supplementary handbooks, and (some) textbooks.
- Patricia Kennedy-Fisher·
Charis Grabbe is very knowledgeable about the metric system. She loves Chemistry. I enjoyed her method of making me understand.
- Amir Senbel·
Josh read my essay thoroughly and provided helpful feedback.
- Ava Stephens·
Claire helped me understand the material I walked in not knowing. She is very helpful and personable when tutoring students. I will definitely tell others to seek extra help with her!
- Tony Fisher·
Josh patiently took time to help me complete my paper.
- Aaron Manning·
Zoe has helped me on each of my Bio 243 Exams, and I think it has been critical for me getting 100s on all of my exams.
- Collin F·
I’ve had a couple tutoring sessions with Charis Grabbe and honestly, she’s been absolutely amazing help with my chemistry class. She’s very professional and extremely smart. I highly recommend her for any troubles you may have. I’ll continue to go to her whenever I have issues in my classes.